Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Africans in British and Caribbean history


Friday, December 13, 2013

Vedic Mathematics

Gaurav Tekriwal: A lesson in Vedic mathematics

Have you heard the expression "you're smarter than you think"?, Well as it turns out, it's true. Don't believe me? Mr. Gaurav Tekriwal knows it to be a fact.

Some of us have been taught that math is harder than it really is. Most people in the U.S. dread math and believe they are naturally bad at it.

I posted this video to change your mind. While watching this video, you will solve double and triple digit multiplication problems in your head! Don't let your fear of math discourage you from spending the best 10 minutes you can spend. I'm positive that this will build anyone's confidence in their math ability.

Take it a step further:


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SAT Prep: The 1000 Most Common SAT Words

COCOEN daily photos / Creative Commons

acquiesce (v.)  to agree without protesting  (Though Mr. Correlli wanted to stay outside and work in his garage, when his wife told him that he had better come in to dinner, he acquiesced to her demands.)

I hope you all acquiesce to my demands, and download this free PDF of the 1000 most common words on the SAT. I found this online some years ago and I'm glad to see it's still circulating around the web. 

The great thing about this list is that each word is accompanied with all of the information you see with the SAT word above. You can pick a word before bed or at breakfast and try to use it throughout the day. Try to make it painless, but a challenge. Maybe leave a list in the bathroom, on the kitchen or coffee table, or by the nightstand, or all of the above! If you have gadgets, many of them can handle PDFs, so what are you waiting for? Acquiesce!

Want to know how to say a word? Check out Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, search for a word, and select the speaker icon to hear the word as it should be pronounced. Or you could purchase the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (Laminated Cover), if you love both the modern and traditional ways to look up a word.

Want to do some vocabulary building online? Go to Vocabulary.com where you can be quizzed on historical, speech, SAT, morphology & roots, news, and other categories. It really is a lot of fun.

Monday, December 9, 2013

100 Great Children's Books

The New York Public Library put together a top 100 list of highly recommended children's books of 2013. Nineteen children's librarians from various branches of the NYPL used their expertise to compile this list. I've included a few examples and their categories. Click the image of the book, and you might be able to see inside of it.


Folktales & Fairytales



Stories for Younger Readers

View the full list